
Sampling of Conference Events and Workshops

One of the highlight of the conference is our annual
Floridian Idol
Submit the first two pages of your manuscript at 
registration and our dynamic readers will read the pages 
aloud to the group. The Agents and Editors will offer their 
valuable feedback on each submission. Be aware, we 
occasionally get some Simon Cowell type comments.
Rules of the Floridian Idol:
* The first two manuscript pages
* One submission per attendee
* Notate genre, and manuscript length in the header.
* All submissions must be turned in at registration, so carry them on board with you.

Effective promotion in a competitive market with Sally Schoeneweiss
How to reach your readers. The array of promotional possibilities today is dizzying! Marketing whiz Sally Schoeneweiss (check spelling of her name!), founder of Book Talk and Talk Ink, will speak on how to decide what's right for you. 

Polish your pitch with Karen Kendall
Attendees will work in small groups with published authors to polish their pitch to perfection.
Mystery Writing 101 with Nancy Cohen
If you haven’t got a clue where to start, this is the workshop for you!
Author of the popular Bad Hair Day mystery series, will teach how to plot a mystery. Topics include: Creating the Sleuth, Introducing the Suspects, Weaving a Web of Deceit, Heightening Suspense, Series Continuity, and Staying on Track.

Keeping it Real the Teen Brain with Traci Hall
Why teens and world building are a perfect match – making the unfreakingbelievable believable through character. Delve into the teen psyche and learn what makes teens tick.

HEA Dreaming - How to Write an Emotion Packed Ending with Linda Conrad
This Workshop will show you how to create an ending that turns your book into a keeper.

Finding Your Voice with Luann McLane 
You have a great hook, a complicated plot, lively characters, believable dialogue and yes even a vampire and you’re still getting rejections.  What is the problem?  Why can’t you get published?  What is that elusive something that you’re lacking?  Until you discover your voice, that special writing DNA that is uniquely yours, you will lack that sparkle, that shine that will make your manuscript stand out from the rest of the submissions. 
 So… how do you find your voice?
Muse Therapy with D. D. Scott
Could you use a romance writer's go-to-gal for muse disorders?  If so, stop looking 'cause you found me. It is all about injecting life into tired and/or stressed out muses. Discover what makes your muses tick.  What ticks ‘em off.  And what makes ‘em dance like nobody's watching. 
No More Secret Babies—A History of Contraception with Liese Sherwood-Fabre
This workshop explores how couples have attempted to prevent conception from the ancient to the modern world.  

Heather Graham, & Joan Johnston will each present a workshop sharing their word of wisdom with us. Specific topics of the workshops to be announced.